01424 319865

TermaTech was founded in 2003. The market for wood-burning stoves was an “either-or” market. Quality and price followed suit and the makes that existed at the time were at one end of the scale or the other. Inexpensive stoves for the construction market and expensive stoves for the specialist market.
Therefore, to fill the gap between the expensive and inexpensive or good and less good stoves, and on the basis of many years’ know-how, in 2005 TermaTech started to produce and sell wood-burning stoves and accessories for them. The traits that were to characterise TermaTech’s products were, and still are, high quality and competitive prices.
Their ambitions were achieved and, today, TermaTech is full-line supplier of everything from wood-burning stoves and accessories to steel chimneys and chimney renovation. More than 2,500 different product numbers are sold through specialist dealerships throughout Europe. The basic philosophy behind our products, besides establishing a balance between quality and price, is to focus on design, technology, function and the environment. You see, for us it is important that our stoves are not only appealing to the eye, but that they are user and environmentally friendly as well.